# Setup

This page will help you with setting up the Mobile SDK in your application.

# Initialization

# Step 1 - Smartsuppp Key

You'll receive an e-mail with your unique code immediately after the sign up. It can also be found in Settings > Chat box > Chat code (opens new window).

# Step 2 - Get API Key

To get the API key, contact our sales team (opens new window).

# Step 3 - Initialize Mobile SDK

Then, setup the Mobile SDK by calling the following in the onCreate() method of your application class:

Smartsupp.setup(application = this, smartsuppKey = "Your Smartsupp key", apiKey = "Your Api key")

If you don't use Application class in your application, then you have to create one. That will look something like this:

class YourApplication : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {
        Smartsupp.setup(application = this, smartsuppKey = "Your Smartsupp key", apiKey = "Your Api key")

After this you should be able to use the Mobile SDK in your application without any issues.