# Installation

This page will help you with setting up the Smartsupp Chat Box on your site. There are just three steps you should have done to receive the first question from your customers and have your business and marketing boosted. You can find all these steps below.

# Create account

Sign up to Smartsupp (opens new window) first to create your own account.

# Get installation code

You'll receive an e-mail with your unique code immediately after the sign up. It can also be found in Settings > Chat box > Chat code (opens new window). The code below is a sample code snippet without your smartsupp key so use the one in your welcome e-mail or the Chat code (opens new window) page.

var _smartsupp = _smartsupp || {};
_smartsupp.key = 'YOUR_SMARTSUPP_CODE';
window.smartsupp||(function(d) {
	var s,c,o=smartsupp=function(){ o._.push(arguments)};o._=[];

# Put installation code to website

If you're using some of the ecommerce platforms like Wordpress (Woocommerce), Prestashop etc., you can use these guides (opens new window) to connect your website with Smartsupp. We prepared a descriptive screenshots for you so you don't have to be afraid of this step. 🙂

Otherwise, you need to insert the code in your website manually – between tags <head> and </head>.